Smile reconstruction
Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry concerned with the replacement or reconstruction of a tooth or teeth and their supporting structures, which have been altered or lost through trauma, disease or inherited defects.
Over the years we have built our reputation on assessing why teeth fracture and fail. Many practices focus on how to fix what has failed. We focus first on the cause of the failure rather than just the effect.
Often teeth break and crowns keep coming off because of an incorrect occlusion, which is the term given to the way your teeth move and function together. The ideal occlusion allows your teeth to move and function in a way where they mutually protect each other and spread the biting forces around your mouth. The front teeth should guide the back teeth into position, to allow you to chew and their position should not interfere with the movement of the front teeth. What we often see is that with the loss of teeth, the remaining teeth can drift and tip into a new position and cause interference and imbalance within the occlusion. This often results in a damaged dentition where teeth fracture and break.
Before we undertake any course of treatment we study the models of your teeth, and often mount these models on a special articulator, so that we can study the way your teeth bite together. The aim is to design an occlusion that reduces the destructive forces within your mouth. This allows us to create a long-term plan for your dentition, reducing the risk of future tooth failures.
Once we have done this we can then reconstruct your teeth to look and function like natural teeth. The treatments below are examples of how we can do this.